The Virality Obsession: Rethinking Web 2.0 Success Metrics

In the current Web 2.0 landscape, there’s an overwhelming obsession with virality. Startups and established players alike are fixated on exponential growth in traffic, user registrations, and countless other metrics. This gold rush mentality often leads to a lack of critical analysis, with companies blindly replicating perceived success formulas. The Metrics Mirage The advent of Web 2.0 has shifted the success metrics for applications towards user numbers and social network evolution. Take, for instance, the founders of, who prioritized user registration growth rates in their Googleplex presentation. Even Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg showcased questionable “extrapolated” user growth graphs at the f8 convention. ...

September 11, 2007 · 2 min · 383 words · Dipankar Sarkar

Welcome to Your Hub for Tech Insights and Open Source Innovation

Hello, tech enthusiasts and innovators! Welcome to, your new go-to destination for all things tech and beyond. I’m Dipankar Sarkar, an open source hacker and indie entrepreneur, and I’m thrilled to launch this digital space where we’ll explore the cutting edge of technology together. What can you expect from Web 2.0 and Beyond: We’ll dive deep into the latest web technologies, discussing their impact and potential. Open Source Insights: As an avid open source contributor, I’ll share projects, tips, and the philosophy behind the open source movement. ...

July 4, 2007 · 2 min · 240 words · Dipankar Sarkar