The Evolution of Writing: From Ink Pens to Gel Pens

As an open-source enthusiast and tech lover, I often find myself drawn to the evolution of everyday tools. Today, let’s dive into a seemingly simple yet revolutionary writing instrument: the gel pen. The Journey from Ink to Gel My affair with gel pens is a long-standing one, rooted in my school days in India. Like many, I started my “adult” writing journey with messy ink pens - beautiful, but definitely not suited for rough handling. Then came the ball pen revolution. ...

May 16, 2010 · 2 min · 331 words · Dipankar Sarkar

IIT vs. Everyone: Balancing Academic Rigor and Life Experiences

“Life’s fair if you don’t compare” - Unknown As an IITian sitting among friends from other universities, I’ve come to a startling realization: what they consider the golden years of fun were some of the most challenging times for me and my batchmates. Let’s dive into this contrast, starting from the end of 12th grade through college life. The Diverging Paths Post-12th Grade Most university students begin their college journey eager to explore life and have fun, with consequences taking a backseat. In contrast, IIT students face high stakes from day one. Take attendance, for instance - IITs are notoriously strict compared to Delhi University or other institutions. Many of us have faced the dreaded DISCO (disciplinary committee) for what others might consider trivial mistakes. At IIT, fun isn’t for the faint-hearted. ...

November 18, 2008 · 3 min · 457 words · Dipankar Sarkar