The Evolution of E-commerce in India: Challenges and Opportunities

The e-commerce revolution in India has been a hot topic of discussion, with many predicting a dramatic shift in how Indians buy and sell goods. However, a closer look at the current market reveals that we’re still in the early stages of this transformation, with no clear breakthrough in sight for any of the implemented models. The Classifieds Conundrum The classifieds model, which has seen success in other markets, seems to be struggling to gain traction in India. This can be attributed to a cultural reluctance among Indians to sell or buy used items. The shift in this mindset will likely take time, highlighting the importance of understanding local consumer behavior in the e-commerce space. ...

August 29, 2012 · 3 min · 473 words · Dipankar Sarkar

The DSLR Dilemma: Are Expensive Cameras Worth It?

In the age of smartphone photography, there’s a peculiar trend that keeps catching my eye: the proliferation of expensive DSLR cameras in the hands of casual photographers. It’s time we address the elephant in the room - or should I say, the bulky camera bag on everyone’s shoulder? The $2000 Question Why, oh why, do people keep investing in $2000 cameras only to use them for shots that a decent smartphone could capture? It’s as if we’re witnessing the birth of a new status symbol. Is the DSLR the new electric guitar - a tool of artistic expression, or just a prop to look cool? ...

May 26, 2011 · 2 min · 373 words · Dipankar Sarkar

The Long Tail Effect: How Observing the Internet Changes Consumer Behavior

The internet has revolutionized how we consume content, and few concepts capture this transformation better than Chris Anderson’s “The Long Tail.” While the book may be over a decade old, its principles remain strikingly relevant in today’s digital landscape. As an open-source enthusiast and indie entrepreneur, I’ve been fascinated by how this model continues to shape online businesses and consumer behavior. The Observer Effect in Digital Markets Recently, a discussion with fellow tech enthusiasts led me to an intriguing realization: applying the Long Tail model to internet businesses can actually change consumer usage patterns, much like the Heisenberg principle in physics. This “observer effect” in digital markets presents both opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurs and content creators. ...

March 25, 2008 · 2 min · 385 words · Dipankar Sarkar