The country and you

I was having this debate how nationalism in India is on the wane, a whole bunch of people talk about how their houses used to have the Indian flag hoisted on independence day/Republic day. Not anymore through. Its not difficult to see why and how the country is changing. I do hope we understand the point of sticking it out together as a nation, and possibly be one of the greatest ever in this phase of human civilization....

August 21, 2012 · 1 min · 85 words · Me

Python, Passenger phusion and dreamhost

Well, had to setup some stuff on dreamhost. Turns out that they are fairly bad on django hosting. Here is a working that is possibly much better than the default. Please not that you must have paste [] installed for this to work correctly. This has python2.7 locally installed in your account, with all the libraries locally. Dreamhost is quite painful, as the documentation is incomplete clearly!

January 22, 2012 · 1 min · 68 words · Me

Whats up, world !

Wow, that was a long break. Lately not spent any time on writing or thinking, guess that is usually visible in the output ! Need to make it a real habit of writing more and more. Happy new year to anyone who reads this ! Looking forward to kick starting good stuff !

January 9, 2012 · 1 min · 53 words · Me

New book : Nginx web server cookbook

Guys after a long break, I have come out of my slumber to talk about my first publication with Packt publishing. In short the book is about tips and tricks around the upcoming Nginx web server. You can check it out using this link. This has been published by Packt publishing, a UK based technical publishing house. It would not have been possible without the tremendous support of the people around me, and in specific the many people I have worked with....

May 31, 2011 · 1 min · 186 words · Me

Expensive cameras

Why why why would people keep buying expensive cameras and make sub-optimal use of them. The most common usecase photos I see of the not-talented do not need a $2000 camera. Is this the new guitar ? I do want numbers as to how many people get laid with cameras in there hands. I have seen the really smart nerds with it, and the other ones as well. As offensive as it is, I do not understand the logic of this buy except for the wow factor....

May 26, 2011 · 1 min · 122 words · Me