“Life’s fair if you don’t compare” - Unknown

As an IITian sitting among friends from other universities, I’ve come to a startling realization: what they consider the golden years of fun were some of the most challenging times for me and my batchmates. Let’s dive into this contrast, starting from the end of 12th grade through college life.

The Diverging Paths Post-12th Grade

Most university students begin their college journey eager to explore life and have fun, with consequences taking a backseat. In contrast, IIT students face high stakes from day one. Take attendance, for instance - IITs are notoriously strict compared to Delhi University or other institutions. Many of us have faced the dreaded DISCO (disciplinary committee) for what others might consider trivial mistakes. At IIT, fun isn’t for the faint-hearted.

The IIT Experience: A Double-Edged Sword

Why am I sharing this? The four years of intense academic rigor at IIT shape a worldview that’s extremely utilitarian and, admittedly, sometimes cynical. Yes, we often emerge financially better off, but in India’s evolving economy, making money isn’t as insurmountable as it once was.

IIT has taught me invaluable lessons about people, critical thinking, and life. However, I can’t help but wonder if I missed out on the carefree experiences my friends from other universities enjoyed. It’s as if IITians are programmed with the mantra “time is money” before we even enter the real world.

Reflecting on the Trade-offs

This isn’t meant to be a cynical rant, but rather an honest reflection. The IIT experience is unique and powerful, equipping us with skills and networks that are hard to match. Yet, there’s a part of me that wonders about the road not taken - the spontaneous adventures, the carefree laughter, and the luxury of making mistakes without severe consequences.

Looking Forward

As we progress in our careers, it’s crucial to find balance. The intensity of IIT prepares us for high-pressure situations, but it’s equally important to cultivate the soft skills and life experiences that make us well-rounded individuals.

To my fellow IITians: Let’s challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zones and embrace experiences beyond our academic and professional pursuits.

To students considering IIT: Understand that it’s a path of intense growth, but also be prepared for the trade-offs it entails.


This comparison between IIT and other university experiences might seem like comparing apples to oranges. However, it’s a reflection worth having. As we navigate our careers and lives, let’s strive to combine the best of both worlds - the rigorous preparation of IIT and the joyful exploration of life that other university experiences offer.

I invite you to share your thoughts and experiences. How do you balance academic or professional intensity with life’s other pleasures?