Google phone will take on Microsoft, not Apple

Rumors about a Google phone have been flying for months. And since they started around the time that Apple was releasing its game-changing iPhone, it should come as no surprise that we all started to get the idea that Google might get into the hardware game and release a gPhone handset featuring Google software. “Google taking on Microsoft” old news …. Though the windows mobiles are really decent, i wonder how the gphone can crack it all so easliy....

October 10, 2007 · 1 min · 95 words · Me

Here’s How to Stop Worrying About Google Once and for All

Boy, people don’t see very happy with Google lately, huh? read more | digg story Doing 350-001 is not as hard as 350-029. However people still go for the latter as then they are qualified for 640-801 or 640-816. However for those who want to pursue 640-822, a better option would be to try the former.

October 10, 2007 · 1 min · 56 words · Me

Hitler's secret Indian army

“…thousands of Indian soldiers who had joined Britain in the fight against fascism swapped their oaths to the British king for others to Adolf Hitler - an astonishing tale of loyalty, despair and betrayal that threatened to rock British rule in India, known as the Raj.”read more | digg story

October 10, 2007 · 1 min · 50 words · Me

Red vs Blue in Halo 3

Here’s a montage of the RvB Easter Egg in Halo 3, with different audio on different difficulties. This is an awesome game …. i so want to play it….read more | digg story

October 10, 2007 · 1 min · 33 words · Me

The new British empire? UK plans to annex south Atlantic

Britain is preparing territorial claims on tens of thousands of square miles of the Atlantic Ocean floor around the Falklands, Ascension Island and Rockall, a region in which seismic tests suggest there could be about 60bn barrels of oil under the ocean more | digg story

October 10, 2007 · 1 min · 47 words · Me