al gore and climate

The Controvery

October 13, 2007 · 1 min · 2 words · Me

Can Waiting Tables Teach You How to be an Entrepreneur?

Sometimes when I look over my business experience, I kind of wonder how I got here. I have no fancy MBA, I ’ve never held a job for someone else, and my college degree is in Holistic Psychology. In fact, when I started my first business, I had little experience to lean on other than working as a waitress. Hear are 6 lessons I learned waiting more | digg story

October 11, 2007 · 1 min · 71 words · Me

Essay: What if Internet Bandwidth Was Infinite?

What would happen if Internet bandwidth was infinite — what would that change about the Internet itself?read more | digg story

October 11, 2007 · 1 min · 21 words · Me

Internet2 hits 100Gbps, could scale 10x beyond that

Internet2 now rockets along at 100Gbps, and it also allows researchers to set up dedicated 10Gbps point-to-point links on the fly. Want to transfer a third of a terabyte in the time it takes to order a burger? Now you more | digg story

October 11, 2007 · 1 min · 45 words · Me

Linux Not Ready for the Desktop? Really?

Some technology analysts feel that Linux is still not ready for the desktop. Please don’t tell that to any of the community members who last year logged in 40,000 times to the 28 Linux stations in our small town library and community more | digg story

October 11, 2007 · 1 min · 47 words · Me