outsourcing development work to india ...

Hmmm, unlike what most people have to say I have started to feel that Indians working in “outsourced” development teams are getting a real bad deal. In my recent experience, i have felt that in spite of all the big talk on how India has become costlier blah blah …. its my firm belief that there is very good quality of work being done here …. So quality development work on cutting edge platforms is still termed as outsourcing, that was a rude shock to a guy like me :)....

February 12, 2008 · 2 min · 248 words · Me

are you a startup ?

So this post is devoted to my conception of a startup and the differences (or at least perceived ones) it has from a big firm. (Warning: These are very subjective differences) Startups are built for people who are ambitious and driven , thus this gives them the momentum going forward even if resources are scarce. From the above point it can be agreed easily that people who work at such places are to some extent different....

February 11, 2008 · 1 min · 204 words · Me

Start of phase 2

Wierd title for a blog post :) , but its truly the start of the second phase in my rather short career. This week I have decided to move on from slideshare.net , to some other stuff. Lately I have started realizing how badly i needed to give time to my own ideas (and there are lots of them), with such short product life spans on the internet and the boom taking place interms of web valuations how can I possibly miss out on trying……...

February 10, 2008 · 2 min · 338 words · Me

Stocks and more

Lately i have been in the market, and trying to understand how it all works. After reading some decent books about how to play the game, i have finally entered it wit a testing capital of about 10000 rps (~$250). Till now i have got back 4000 rps ($100) on the initial inverstment. But till now the ride has not be all smooth actually, getting one of these online buying / selling interfaces is definitely a hassle....

December 7, 2007 · 1 min · 213 words · Me

Some new movie reviews and a bit of E17

So today i watched “Stardust” , a fantasy romance to keep it simple actually. Interesting watch … a 7 out of 10. Stardust : IMDB So this last week i have been playing around with couple of really cool things. First of all i tried out e17 which i am loving right now .. and then i setup Samba(a windows network share) on QNX. So i had an embedded board lying around, and this Thursday i was really frustrated with work … so i decided that i needed to setup the file server i long wished for....

November 4, 2007 · 1 min · 137 words · Me