Language of politics

After the tragic terrorist attacks in Mumbai, we see all the political parties starting their games. Lets have a closer look at what they said and where they went wrong. Manmohan Singh - A speech which lacked character, though it did not lack the objectivity. In a time of crisis when this was televised what we needed was a stong speech, not this verbal powerpoint. If i had to rate this, it would get a 5 out of 10....

December 1, 2008 · 2 min · 410 words · Me

Mumbai, terror and NSG

Its been a really long 24 hours, I have been following it all on TV or the internet (twitter to be specific). In this process I have see yet another intelligence lapse where probably 200+ people will lose their life on the final count and this will create a dent in our national image. England conveniently goes back home after not even coming close to winning their matches in cricket, a whole host of articles being published about how India will lose its “terror free” south Asia image, and finally how it affects the Delhi elections coming up....

November 27, 2008 · 2 min · 311 words · Me

government aka sarkar

Well, my name is Dipankar Sarkar. And Sarkar is hindi for goverment … so one my friends (specifically Varun Gulshan) would keep calling me that which to be honest is a fantastic nickname ;). Jokes apart, I guess i am a bit frustrated with how things work around me. As an individual who says “chop, chop” as he is in a perennial hurry, it kills me to see how things work....

November 26, 2008 · 2 min · 353 words · Me

The darwin awards - A Chronicle of Enterprising Demises

The darwin awards - A Chronicle of Enterprising Demises Came across this due to my good friend Mr. Samir … well it turns out that there is an award for people who do wierd stuff and end up seriously injured or dead. I salute the guy who is running this … who says there is no humor in death :). Honoring those who improve the species…by accidentally removing themselves from it!...

November 23, 2008 · 1 min · 190 words · Me

Rumors and more ....

To be honest, I am a very conspiracy theory kind of a guy. Always believe things after i can validate certain things personally, that invariably leads to me getting too involved (call it the observer effect). But then again there are certain things that are much bigger than me which i believe are absolute frauds, i will state some of the most obvious ones. Humans landing on the moon (yeah right, NASA is struggling now … wonder why they need to design what already works) NGOs are for the greater good (from what i hear they are only for their own good, time we stopped using the tax payers money for them) Net neutrality (impossible, DNS servers still in the USA … the point is lost on me as to how is it fair, internet as we know is still very much controlled by americans) United Nations / World Bank are global organizations (now that is just BS, if we see the UN with its veto powers …....

November 20, 2008 · 2 min · 243 words · Me